Friday, 17 June 2016

Seychelles Company Incorporation - Know Vital Information About This Jurisdiction

You can always seek the help of business consultants to assess your needs and suggest a jurisdiction ideal for your offshore corporation. Some of the factors that can determine which jurisdiction is best for you include your banking sophistication level requirement, where you will conduct business, what kind of assets are involved, etc. A growing number of business owners are choosing Seychelles to be the home of their offshore companies, and it’s easy to see why. This jurisdiction protective laws, a friendlier business environment, and simpler requirements.

Seychelles company incorporation offers several advantages, from the protection of the owner’s personal assets against the liabilities of their companies, quick transfer of company ownership from one party to another, lower tax rates, lenient tax restrictions, and even raising of capital through sale of stock. A protective bubble is created around the directors, shareholders, and owners of companies. This can then allow incorporated businesses to take risks for possible growth without having to expose directors, owners, and shareholders to personal financial liabilities that are outside their original investments.

It is very important to have an advisory firm or consultants behind you if you are interested in Seychelles company incorporation. They can guide you through the relevant Seychelles regulatory requirements and laws for your company’s incorporation. They can also assess your goals and key objectives to formulate the best strategy. By knowing and preparing all required documents and requirements beforehand, they can make the entire process of incorporation much smoother.

Some of the requirements you will need include the Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association, Register of Directors, Power of Attorney, Declaration or Trust, and First Resolutions of Directors as well as Resolution Appointing Directors. Your Seychelles company incorporation will be processed by Seychelles Financial Services Authority, which is for offshore companies, and Register General, Companies Division, which is for all kinds of companies. The completion of incorporation will usually take around five business days.

Protect Your Money with Simple Steps for Offshore Trust Formation

You are exposed to risks— including government wealth confiscation—when you hold assets to your name. If you want to safeguard your wealth, offshore trust formation might just be the perfect solution for you. By establishing a trust in an offshore location, you can enjoy tax benefits and other bonuses including privacy. Here are some simple steps to follow if you are interested in offshore trust formation:

1.    Research on offshore countries – You don’t need to set up a trust from one of the “Big 7” offshore financial centers. There are dozens of offshore countries where you can easily set up a trust that will best suit your requirements.

2.    Enlist the help of an offshore trust formation firm – Make sure the firm you contact is based in or specializes in the offshore country of your choice. You should also check if the firm is a licensed international trust service provider that is regulated by appropriate services authority in the offshore country.

3.    Comply with the list of requirements – For firms to be able to create the best offshore trust formation for your needs, you should be able to provide them the information and documents required. Details include the country of your residence as well as your beneficiaries, etc.

4.    Agree on terms and structure – It is important that you are comfortable with the setup the offshore trust formation provider will give you. Will the trust service provider be a nominee founder or protector? You may also request for additional services like bookkeeping or accounting as well as assistance in opening an offshore bank account.

5.    Sign and transfer – A trust of the deed, as well as other necessary documents for offshore trust formation, will be drafted. You simply need to sign and then execute the transfer of assets.